Wickersley Northfield Primary School

Pupil Premium


Pupil Premium funding received for the year 2022-23 is £56040. Recovery Pupil Premium funding received is £5945 and details of how this will be spent will be published shortly.

Click here to view the Pupil Premium Policy.

Click here to see our 3 year Pupil Premium Strategy Plan.

Click here to see our Pupil Premium Strategy Statement, to see the funding received and the impact the funding had.


Pupil Premium

1. Principles

The Governing Body and Senior Leadership Team of Wickersley Northfield Primary School accept the responsibility for the use of its Pupil Premium Funding to address the underlying inequalities between children eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) and other children who are eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) nationally. The funding will be used to remove barriers to learning and ensure each student participates fully in all aspects of school life and reaches his/her full potential.


2. Background

The pupil premium is a Government initiative that provides specific funds targeted at improving outcomes for students from deprived backgrounds. Research has indicated that this group of students underachieve when compared to non-deprived peers. The premium is provided in order to support these pupils in fulfilling their potential and not being disadvantaged.


3. Funding

The Education Standards Funding Agency (ESFA) uses Ever6 as an indicator of deprivation. Each child classed as an Ever 6 free school meals child is awarded £1,385 per year. In addition to Ever 6 free school meals, the DfE issues an award of £2,410 to each looked after child currently in their care. Students who have a parent serving in the armed forces are also awarded an amount of £320 per year.


4. Identifying Students

Wickersley Northfield Primary used data provided by the DfE to initially identify students who have been awarded Pupil Premium Funding which is based on the school Census. The Governing Body and SLT have stated that if a child becomes eligible for free school meals after the census date and was not previously categorised as an Ever 6 free school meals child, they will be treated exactly the same as a child who was awarded the Pupil Premium grant.


5. Provision and Tracking

Wickersley Northfield Primary provides a wide range of initiatives to ensure students, who have been awarded Pupil Premium funding, reach their full potential, these currently include but are not exclusive to:


*Intensive Literacy Support from Read Write Inc. Programme to improve phonics and spelling across the whole school.

*Variety of tailored interventions as identified through tracking and data.

* Support to improve Numeracy where necessary through interventions, mega maths and White Rose Maths pre teach/ flash back for teaching material.

* Timetabled 1-1 support for students in need of intensive support in all areas.

* Subsidised costs for students visits.

* Multi-sensory learning.

* Speech and Language therapy (SALT)

*Subsidised costs for music tuition.


Children will be tracked by class teachers separately and discussed at pupil progress meetings. In addition to this, SLT will track all pupil premium children and monitor interventions to ensure they are meeting the needs of the children as dictated by assessment data.


6. Reporting

At the end of each academic year, Wickersley Northfield Primary will publish a report which aims to answer the following questions:


* The amount of Pupil Premium funding the school received.

* How this funding was used to support the needs of Ever 6 free school meals children.

* What was the impact of the funding?


The report for each academic year will be published on the school website.



Ever 6 Free School Meals

When a school completes the Census the DfE will look for any child who at any time during the last 6 years was claiming for free school meals. Any child who meets this criteria will be classed as an 'Ever 6 free school meals child.'