Wickersley Northfield Primary School

Sports Premium

This year we have developed our sports provision within school, thinking about the impact of Covid19.   

Children have been offered a wider range of before and after school clubs with our Change 4 Life having a higher uptake this year then in previous years. 

We have developed our active playtimes and introduced the Playmakers Award for Y5 and Y6 pupils, who will be assisting our dinner time staff, making sure that younger pupils and their peers have activities at lunchtimes to increase their daily active minutes. 


Active Travel

We have once again been involved with Modeshift, developing active travel to and from school.  We have had bikeabilty in school for UK2 pupils and Y2 enjoyed scooter training too this year.  We are hoping to develop this further next year. 


School Games Competitions 

From October, Wickersley Northfield Primary school have taken part in many inter- school competitions. Wickersley Northfield have taken part in Hockey festivals for both U11s ( year 5 and 6) and U9s (year 4) girls and boys separately. KS1 took part in a hockey U7s festival in January. There have been Tag Rugby leagues that have been completed by the U9s first (year 3 and 4) and the U11 league for Tag Rugby is now ongoing with the second fixture this Thursday at Northfield (year 6). We had change for life for 6 weeks in November and December for the Year 5s and 6s that there were many volunteers for. There has been a handball festival taken place for the U11s and U9s. Both festivals went very well with the year 6s in the U11s and the year 4s in the U9s. Orienteering training started in February ready for U11s competition (year 6) that took place Monday 7th March and U9s competition will be Monday 14th March (year 4). The next competition will be the year 5s taking part in Tri-Golf. The children have thoroughly enjoyed taking part in these competitions and it gives every individual the opportunity to place competitively against other schools in the area. 

Since March, Wickersley Northfield Primary school have taken part in many inter- school competitions. Wickersley Northfield have taken part in Cricket festivals for both U11s (Year 5 and 6) and U9s (Year 3 and 4) girls. The Cricket U9 girls’ team won the festival on Monday 20th June. The mixed teams (Thursday fixtures) for Cricket for both U11 and U9 were very successful and the U9s Cricket won the fixtures overall in May. KS1 took part in a football U7s festival in April that they also won. We have Change for life for 4 weeks in June running to July for the Year 3s and 4s that there were many volunteers for, these are every Thursday after school. The next competition will be the Tennis U9s that will be taking place at Northfield. There will be one more festival taking place on Monday 11th July for the Year 5 Rounders. The children have thoroughly enjoyed taking part in these competitions and it gives every individual the opportunity to place competitively against other schools in the area.